> Publications
Elenco completo delle pubblicazioni
Sono presenti 161 pubblicazioni così suddivise:
. • - articoli su riviste internazionali e nazionali: 68
. • - monografie internazionali e nazionali: 10
. • - contributi su monografie internazionali e nazionali: 14
. • - proceedings internazionali e nazionali (atti dei congressi): 64
. • - altro (working paper e lavori depositati): 4
Articoli su riviste internazionali e nazionali
Dieste M., Mengistu A. T., Panizzolo R., (2023), Linking Industry 4.0 to lean thinking: a case study, International Journal Management Concepts and Philosophy, International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp.430–444.
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo, R. (2023), Tailoring sustainability indicators to small and medium enterprises for measuring industrial sustainability performance, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 27. No. 1, pp. 54-70, DOI 10.1108/MBE-10-2021-0126.
Mengistu A.T., Panizzolo R., (2023), Metrics for measuring industrial sustainability performance in small and medium-sized enterprises, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, DOI 10.1108/IJPPM-04-2022-0200
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo, R. (2022), Analysis of indicators used for measuring industrial sustainability: a systematic review, Environment, Development and Sustainability, DOI: 10.1007/s10668-021-02053-0.
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo, R. (2021), Indicators and Framework for Measuring Industrial Sustainability in Italian Footwear Small and Medium Enterprises, Sustainability, 13, 5472. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13105472.
Dieste M., Panizzolo R., Garza-Reyes J.A. (2021), A systematic literature review regarding the influence of lean manufacturing on firms’ financial performance, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp.101-121, DOI: 10.1108/JMTM-08-2020-0304.
Biazzo S., Fabris A. Panizzolo R. (2020), Virtual Visual Planning: A Methodology to Assess Digital Project Management Tools, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, Vol. 3-4, pp. 1-10. DOI:10.33422/ijarme.v3i4.505.
Dieste M., Panizzolo R., Garza-Reyes J.A. (2019), Evaluating the impact of lean practices on environmental performance: evidences from five manufacturing companies, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2019.1681535
Dieste M., Panizzolo R., Garza-Reyes J. A., Anosike A. (2019), The relationship between lean and environmental performance: Practices and measures, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 224, pp. 120-131.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R., Gore A. (2017), Lean Product Development Implementation Approach: Empirical Evidence from Indian Lean Manufacturers, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 189-201.
Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2017), Service Implementation Framework in Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study, Advances in Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 2348-0394, DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2017/34520.
Ferreira Viagi A., Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2017) A novel framework for the use of workflow system in the integration of supply chain tiers, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 2 Issue 4, pp. 1211-1226
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., de Crescenzo A. M. (2017), Rewarding the Factory Workers: How to Select the Right Measures for an Effective Pay-for-Performance System, Advances in Research, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 2348-0394, DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2017/34518.
Dieste, M., Viagi, A. F., Panizzolo, R., & Biazzo, S. (2017), A Comparison of Different Models for Collection of WEEE in Europe, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, ISSN: 2010-0264, Vol. 8 No. 8, pp. 591-596.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R., Ferreira Viagi A. (2017), Enablers and Constraints in Implementing Lean Manufacturing: evidence from Brazilian SMEs, Journal of Lean Systems, Issn: 2448-026, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 64-86.
Panizzolo R. (2016) Theory of Constraints (TOC) Production and Manufacturing Performance, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (IJIEM), Vol. 7 No 1, pp. 15-23.
Panizzolo R., Garengo P. (2014) Performance-related pay system: a design methodology, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR), Vol. 2 (1), pp. 45-55.
Panizzolo R. (2014), International Sourcing vs Lean Manufacturing: la rilevanza degli strumenti di Total Cost of Ownership, Approvvigionare, Quaderno monografico su Lean Supply Management, Vol. 70. No. 4, pp. 13-15.
Panizzolo R. (2013), Managing Competition with China. Proposal of an Operational Model for SMEs, Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management 1(2): 34-45.
Garengo P., Panizzolo R. (2013), Using Theory of Constraints to Control Manufacturing Systems: A Conceptual Model, Industrial Engineering & Management, Vol. 2, Nr. 3, pp. 27-38.
Garengo P., Panizzolo R. (2013) Supplier Involvement in Integrated Product Development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs, Production Planning & Control, Vol. 24, no. 2-3, pp. 158-171.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. Martinazzo D. (2012), Evaluating Inventory Management Performance: A Preliminary Desk-Simulation Study Based on IOC Model, International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, vol. 2 no. 5, pp. 404-408.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2012), Approaching Risk Management: an Overview on Critical Success Factors and Challenges, The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology, Issue 4, Apr-Jun, pp. 1-31.
Panizzolo R., Garengo P., Sharma M. K., Gore A., (2012), Lean Manufacturing in Developing Countries: evidence from Indian SMEs, Production Planning & Control, Vol. 23, n. 10-11, pp. 769-788.
Albino Russo F., Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2012), I rapporti di codesign nei processi di sviluppo dei nuovi prodotti, Amministrazione&Finanza, Vol. 1, pp. 54- 61.
Albino Russo F., Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2011), Internazionalizzazione: il rischio nei processi di approapprovvigionamento, Amministrazione&Finanza, Vol. 12, pp. 73- 79.
Biazzo S., Bernardi G., Panizzolo R. (2011), Lean Innovation. Trasformare l’innovazione e lo sviluppo dei prodotti, Quaderni di Management, Vol. 52, Luglio-Agosto 2011.
Bernardel F., Biazzo S., Dal Pozzo G., Panizzolo R. (2011), Trasferimento di metodologie e buone pratiche di Lean Transformation a favore delle PMI. Il progetto Lean Community, Quaderni di Management, Vol. 52, Luglio-Agosto 2011.
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., Garengo P. (2010). New product development assessment: towards a normative-contingent audit, Benchmarking, An International Journal, vol. Vol. 17, n. 2; p. 173-194.
Maritan D., Panizzolo R. (2009). Identifying Business Priorities through Quality Function Deployment. Insights from a Case Study, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 7; p. 33-49.
Martinazzo D., Panizzolo R. (2009). Logistica Inversa nel settore RAEE, Logistica Management, vol. 197; p. 61-66.
Martinazzo D., Panizzolo R. (2009). Reverse Logistics nel settore RAEE: un'analisi critica, Logistica Management, vol. 198; p. 59-65.
Bernardel F., Martinazzo D., Panizzolo R. (2008). Il ruolo della logistica per uno sviluppo sostenibile: approcci, modelli e strumenti, Quaderni di Management, vol. 36; p. 16-32.
Panizzolo R. (2008). A methodology to measure the value of services provided to customers in manufacturing firms, Measuring Business Excellence, vol. 12; p. 3-15.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2007). Gestione del rischio e flessibilità nelle reti di imprese, Quaderni di Management, vol. 28, Luglio-Agosto; p. 47-63.
Nonino F., Panizzolo R. (2007). Integrated production/distribution planning in the supply chain: the Febal case study, Supply Chain Management, vol. 12, n. 2; p. 150-163.
Panizzolo R. (2006). Il Vendor Rating nelle relazioni verticali di fornitura, Logistica Management, vol. 57; p. 34-40.
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., Garengo P. (2006). L’audit per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti nelle piccole e medie imprese, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, vol. 218; p. 34-45.
Caenazzo G., Panizzolo R. (2005). La competizione delle imprese italiane con i paesi emergenti, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, vol. n. 211 Settembre/Ottobre 2005; p. 1-14.
De Marchi A., Nonino F., Panizzolo R. (2005). Analisi e Riprogettazione di un Sistema Logistico Distributivo, Economia & Management, vol. 5; p. 63-80.
Panizzolo R., Sarto A. (2005). Sulle relazioni tra certificazione di qualità e customer satisfaction, Qualità, vol. 2; p. 34-58.
Panizzolo R., Sarto A. (2005). L’impatto della certificazione ISO 9000:1994 sulle prestazioni economico-finanziarie dell’impresa: una ricerca empirica su un campione di aziende venete, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, Vol. 1; P. 45-61.
Panizzolo R., Fant D. (2004). Dalla "visione dell'impresa" alla "visione del cliente": il ruolo dei servizi nelle strategie competitive delle imprese manifatturiere, Quaderni di Management, vol. 12; p. 67-79.
Panizzolo R., Payaro A. (2004). Logistica diretta e logistica inversa. Logistica, vol. XXXV, n. 5 maggio; p. 81-85.
Panizzolo R., Santin G. (2003). Strategie di servizio nelle aziende manifatturiere, Quaderni di Management, vol. 5; p. 54-74.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2000). The Assessment of Work Organisation and Lean Production: the Relevance of Worker's Perspective, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, vol. 11; p. 6-15.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (1999). L'organizzazione del lavoro nell'era della 'produzione flessibile' e del 'coinvolgimento', Finanza Marketing e Produzione, vol. XVII, n. 2; p. 133-159.
Panizzolo R. (1999). Managing Innovation in Small Firms: an empirically based study of the Adoption and Implementation of advanced manifacturing Technologies, Small Business Economics, vol. 11; p. 25-42.
Panizzolo R. (1998). Applying The Lessons Learned From 27 Lean Manufacturers: The Relevance of Relationships Management, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 55; p. 223-240.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1997). Repetitive Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems: a Framework for Analysis, Production Planning & Control, vol. 8; p. 500-508.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1996). Buyer-Subcontractor Relationships in the Italian Clothing Industry: an Interpretative Framework, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 16; p. 23-38.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1996). Innovation and Product Development Strategies in the Italian Motorcycle Industry, The Journal Of Product Innovation Management, vol. 13; p. 348-361.
Panizzolo R., Da Villa F. (1996). An empirical study of the adoption and implementation of advances Technologies in the Italian public sector, International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 12; p. 181-198.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1995). A Process-based View for Customer Satisfaction, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, vol. 12; p. 152-167.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1994). Sistemi informativi per la produzione ripetitiva, Logistica Management, vol. 47; p. 12-28.
Ceccarello L., Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1993). La gestione del rapporto tra cliente e terzista, Maglieria, vol. 177; p. 23-37.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1993). Product and Process Standardisation in Intermittent and Repetitive Production, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 31; p. 1371-1385.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1993). Operation Management Techniques in Intermittent and Repetitive Manufacturing: a Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 13; p. 45-59.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R., Tondato G., Vinelli A. (1993). Serfacturing, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, vol. 135; p. 17-31.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1992). Cellular Manufacturing: la filosofia della Group Technology applicata al processo produttivo, Logistica Management, vol. 31; p. 42-59.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1992). Sistemi di classificazione e codifica: caratteristiche e tecniche applicative, Logistica Management, vol. 34; p. 67-79.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1992). Repetitive and Intermittent Manufacturing: Comparison of Characteristics, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, vol. 3; p. 34-46.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1992). Sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. Un modello di riferimento, Sistemi & Impresa, vol. 8; p. 17-34.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1991). Caratteristiche della produzione ripetitiva, Logistica Management, vol. 17; p. 54-67.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1991). Contesti applicativi degli impianti preposti alla produzione intermittente e ripetitiva, Logistica Management, vol. 18; p. 34-52.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1991). Sistemi di gestione della produzione ripetitiva, Logistica Management, vol. 20/21; p. 23-41.
Monografie internazionali e nazionali
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (2018) Sistemi di Gestione della Produzione, Isedi, Milano.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R., Villa A. (2013) Gestione della Produzione, Isedi, Milano.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2013) Elementi di controllo economico-finanziario della gestione aziendale, Padova, Libreria Progetto.
Gore A., Panizzolo R. (2012), Operations Management, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, India.
Albino Russo F., Panizzolo R. (2010). Teoria e pratica delle operazioni di acquisto. Strategia e tecniche operative. Milano: Ipsoa - Wolters Kluwer Italia.
Cappellozza F., Bruni I., Panizzolo R. (2009). Aumentare la competitività aziendale attraverso la Lean Transformation. Casi di studio e applicazioni pratiche di Produzione Snella nel Nord-Est d’Italia. Milano: ESTE Srl.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2008). La dimensione economico-finanziaria dell'impresa. Una introduzione. (Seconda Edizione) Padova: Edizioni Progetto.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2006). La dimensione economico-finanziaria dell'impresa. Una introduzione. Padova: Edizioni Progetto.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2002). Elementi di economia e organizzazione aziendale. Seconda Edizione, Padova: Edizioni Progetto.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2000). Elementi di Economia e Organizzazione Aziendale. Padova: Libreria Progetto.
Contributi su monografie internazionali e nazionali
Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2019), “Competitive Advantage through Service Differentiation: Evidences from Italian Manufacturing Firms, in Gnana Sheela K, (Editor), Emerging Issues in Science and Technology Vol. 1, Chapter 7, pp. 102-121, Book Publisher International, London, ISBN number: 978-93-89562-66-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/eist/v1.
Dieste M., Panizzolo R. (2019), “The Effect of Lean Practices on Environmental Performance: An Empirical Study”, in Anabela Carvalho Alves, Franz-Josef Kahlen, Shannon Flumerfelt and Anna Bella Siriban-Manalang (Editors), Lean Engineering for Global Development, Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Beux S., Ferreira Viagi A., Panizzolo R., Cassandro M., Waszczynskyj N. (2016), Food Supply Chain in Brazil - Sustainability in Small Milk Industry, in Nääs I., Vendrametto O., Mendes J., Gonçalves R., Terra M., Kiritsis D., Von Cieminski G. (Editors), Advances in Production Management Systems - Production Management Initiatives for a Sustainable World, Series Title: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, New York.
Panizzolo R. (2016), “Practices and Performance in Constraints Management Production Planning and Control Systems”, in Brennan L., Vecchi A. (Editors), International Manufacturing Strategy in a Time of Great Flux, Series Title: Measuring Operations Performance, Springer, London.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A.M. (2016), "Lean management and product innovation: a critical review", in Chiarini A. Found P., Rich N. (Editors), Understanding the Lean Enterprise - Strategies, Methodologies, and Principles for a More Responsive Organization, Series Title: Measuring Operations Performance, Springer, London.
Panizzolo R., Bernardel F., Biazzo S. (2014), “Lean Transformation in Small and Medium Enterprises: Practices, Enabling Factors, and Constraints”, in Modrák V. and Semančo P. (Editors), Handbook of Research on Design and Management of Lean Production Systems, IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA), ISBN: 1466650397.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2012), “The risk managing face of organizations”, in Sarlak M. A. (Editor), The New Faces of Organizations in the 21st Century (Volume 5), NAISIT Publishers, ISBN 978-0-9865335-9-4.
Panizzolo R. (1997), “Cellular Manufacturing at the Zanussi-Electrolux plant of Susegana, Italy”, in: Suresh N.C, Kay J.M. Group Technology & Cellular Manufacturing. A State-of-The-Art Synthesis of Research & Practice, p. 867-892, Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Panizzolo R. (1996). “Backflush; Caricamento Capacita Limitata; Optimized Production Technology; Capacity Requirements Planning; Regole di Priorita; Programmazione della produzione a flusso; Riduzione dei tempi di transito”, in: G. Grando. Produzione e Logistica, Enciclopedia per la Conduzione d'impresa, Torino: Utet.
Panizzolo R. (1996). Evidenze empiriche e interpretazione dei risultati della ricerca. In: Da Villa F., Premio di risultato. Una ricerca empirica realizzata su un campione di aziende del Veneto, p. 68-89, Padova: Libreria Progetto.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1994). Sulla gestione dei rapporti di subfornitura. In: Gottardi G.. Da Flessibilità a Trasformazione, p. 156-172, Padova: Cleup.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1992). The Quality of the New Product Development Process. In: Hollier R. H., Boaden R. J., New S. J. International Operations. Crossing Borders in Manufacturing and Service, p. 345-361, AMSTERDAM: Elsevier.
Panizzolo R. (1993). Design and Management of New Manufacturing Systems: an empirical based study. In: Ioannis A. Pappas I. P. Tasiopoulos, Advances in Production Management Systems, vol. 2, p. 345-365, ATHENS: National Technical University of Athens.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R., Tondato G., Vinelli A (1993). Service Concepts in World Class Manufacturing. In: D. J. Summanth, J. A. Edsomwan, R. Poupart, D. S. Sink. Productivity &Quality Management Frontiers. vol. 1, p. 456-471, Miami: Industrial Engineering and Management Press,
Proceedings internazionali e nazionali (atti dei congressi)
Mengistu, Azemeraw Tadesse; Panizzolo, Roberto; Biazzo, Stefano, (2023), A systematic review of factors considered in sustainable product design, 2nd International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation, 22nd - 23rd June 2023, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo R. (2021), A Systematic Review of Indicators Used to Measure Industrial Sustainability, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Rome, Italy, August 2-5, 2021
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo R., Dieste M., (2020), Analysis of Indicators used for Measuring Sustainability in Supply Chains: A Systematic Review, International Conference on the Clean Environment and Energy Research (CEER2020), December 2-4, 2020, Gdańsk, Poland.
Biazzo S., Fabris A., Panizzolo R. (2020) Virtual Visual Planning: A methodology to Assess Digital Project Management Tools, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Economics and Accounting, Paris, France, November 20 – 22, ISBN: 978-609-485-063-9.
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo R., Dieste M. (2020), Sustainability Measurement in Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Rome, Italy, July 22-24.
Dieste M., Baseggio A., Panizzolo R., Biazzo S. (2020), Lean Thinking and Workplace Safety: insights from two improvement projects, Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM Society, Dubai, UAE, March 10-12, 2020, ISSN: 2169-8767 ISBN: 978-1-5323-5952-1.
Mengistu, A.T., Panizzolo R. (2019), Measuring sustainability in supply chain: a systematic literature review, Performance Measurement and Management in Industry 4.0, PMA Symposium 2019, November 18-19, University of Padua, Italy.
Dieste G. M., Viagi F. A., Panizzolo R., Fagundes dos Santos R., Marins S. A. F. (2018), Reverse logistics models for the collection of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: the Brazilian case, IEEE Xplore conference proceedings, POMS International Conference 2018, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 14-16 December.
Alaniz Navarro T., Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (2018), Emotion focused product idea generation: a methodology, 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Next Wave, Ravensbourne university, London, UK, 1 - 2 August.
de Crescenzo A. M., Panizzolo R. (2018), Assessing lean manufacturing within SMEs according to firms organizational characteristics, Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23.
Dieste M., Panizzolo R. (2018), On the relationship between Lean practices and environmental performance, 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development-ICESD 2018, Paris, 7-9 February.
Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2017), A supply chain resource planning system infrastructure to support value co-creation in distribution networks, Sinergie XXIX Annual Conference “Value Co-Creation: management challenges for business and society, Napoli, 15-15 June.
Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2017), Information Infrastructure for Managing Convergent Selling Chain Network, 9th Service Operations Management Forum (SOMF) on Driving Competitiveness through Servitization: The Impact of Interconnectivity and Big Data Analytics, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark, January 19-20.
Dieste M., Ferreira Viagi A., Panizzolo R., Fagundes dos Santos R., Silva Marins F.A. (2016), Reverse Logistics Models for the Collection of Waste electrical and Electronic Equipment: The Brazilian Case, 4th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2016), Kyoto, Japan, 25-27 December, 2016.
Dieste M., Ferreira Viagi A., Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., A Comparison of Different Models for Collection of Weee in Europe, 4th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2016), Kyoto, Japan, 25-27 December, 2016.
Biazzo S., de Crescenzo A. M., Dieste M., Panizzolo R. (2016), A novel interpretation of Service Management in the perspective of Lean Production , 5th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2016), 23-25 November 2016,Granada, Spain.
Biazzo S., de Crescenzo A. M., Panizzolo R. (2016), Towards the assessment of lean implementation in small and medium enterprises, Proceedings of the 5th World Production and Operations Management Conference (P&OM) on “Joining P&OM forces worldwide: Present and future of Operations Management”, Havana, Cuba, 2016.
Ferreira Viagi A., Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M., Monteiro Viagi F. (2016), Humanitarian Supply Chain Risk Management (HSCRM), Proceedings of the 5th World Production and Operations Management Conference (P&OM) on “Joining IP&OM forces worldwide: Present and future of Operations Management”, Havana, Cuba, 2016.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R., Ferreira Viagi A. (2016), Enablers and constraints in implementing Lean Manufacturing: evidence from Brazilian SMEs, Proceedings of VI Congresso de Sistemas LEAN on “Explorando a flexibilidade e o potencial do Lean Thinking”, 9 a 11 Junho de 2016, Centro de Eventos do Sistema FIEP, Curitiba/Paraná, Brazil, 9 a 11 Junho de 2016.
Viagi Ferreira A., Panizzolo R., Alves Murta J., de Crescenzo A. M. (2016), The use of information technology and communication: workflow system for greater integration of supply chain, POMS 27th Annual Conference on “Innovative Operations in an Information and Analytics Driven Economy, Orlando, FL, USA, May 6-9 2016.
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., de Crescenzo A. M., (2015), Performance-related pay for shop-floor workers. A model for the proper selection of performance indicators, PMA Symposium 2015 on “Performance Measurement in Transition - Moving Beyond Control”, Bologna (Italy) 23rd – 25th September 2015.
Panizzolo R., de Crescenzo A. M. (2015), Adopting Service Strategy in Manufacturing Firms. A framework for services recognition and management model implications, 18th Toulon-Verona Conference on Excellence in Services, 31 August – 1 September 2015 CERISDI, Palermo, Italy.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R., Martinazzo D. (2012), The inventory Management Dilemma: a Diagnostic Managerial Tool, International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, Vol. 41, June, pp. 197- 201, ISSN: 2010-4626, 3rd International Conference on Education and Management Technology (ICEMT 2012), Jeju Island, South Korea, 29-30 June.
Garengo P., Panizzolo R. (2012), The performance-related pay systems design: a strategy-based approach, The Performance Management Association (PMA) 2012 Conference: From Strategy to Delivery, Cambridge, UK, 11-13 July.
Bernardel F., Panizzolo R. (2012), Inventory Operating Curves: A Pharmaceutical Application for the Inventory Stock Diagnosis, ABSRC - Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference, Venice, Italy, March 28.
Panizzolo R., Bernardel F., Garengo P. (2011), Supply Chain Risk Management: a multi-professional perspective, British Academy of management Conference, Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in a Challenging Environment, Aston Business School 13th – 15th September.
Panizzolo R., Garengo P., Bernardel F. (2011), Developing new product in small manufacturing firms: the role of internal and external integration, British Academy of management Conference, Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in a Challenging Environment, Aston Business School 13th – 15th September.
Bernardel F., Martinazzo D., Panizzolo R. (2010). Supply Chain Risk Management: verso una convergenza necessaria. In: Atti della XXI Riunione Scientifica AiIG “Ricostruzione, ripresa economica e competitività”. L'Aquila, 14-15 Ottobre.
Bernardel F, Martinazzo D, Panizzolo R. (2010). Supply Chain Risk Management: a Practical Tool-kit. In: Proceedings of APMS 2010 International Conference on “Competitive and Sustainable Manufacturing, Products and Services”. Como, 11-13 October.
Maritan D., Panizzolo R. (2008). Ground Source Heat Pumps Applications In Italy. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University, Stanford, California, 28-30 January, vol. 1, p. 185-191.
Damiano F., Panizzolo R. (2007). Purchasing Performance Measurement Systems: A Contingent Approach. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Annual EurOMA Conference on “Managing Operations in an Expanding Europe". Ankara, Turkey, 17-20 June.
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., Garengo P. (2007). New Product Development Assessment for Smes: A Review. In: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, “Energy that moves production: a dialogue among integration, projects and sustainability”. Iguassu Falls, PR, Brazil, 09-11-October.
Fant D, Panizzolo R. (2006). Purchasing Performance Measurement Systems: A Framework for Comparison and Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Annual EurOMA Conference on “Moving up the Value Chain". Glasgow, Scotland, 18-21 June 2006, vol. 2, p. 947-951.
Panizzolo R., Biazzo S., Garengo P. (2006). Diagnosi dello sviluppo nuovi prodotti: verso un audit normativo-contingente. In: Atti della XVII Riunione Scientifica AiIG su “Reti, Servizi e Competitività delle Imprese: Sistemi Globali e Sistemi Locali per lo Sviluppo”. Roma, 12-13 ottobre, p. 335-343.
Caenazzo G., Panizzolo R. (2005). La competizione con i paesi emergenti: analisi di un case study e proposta di un approccio strategico alternativo. In: Atti della XVI Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG su “L’Impresa del Futuro. Reti, Cluster e Piattaforme Tecnologiche”, Catania, 12-14 Ottobre, p. 191-196.
Maritan D., Panizzolo R. (2005). Service Development through Quality Function Deployment in Niche Markets with High Product Innovation. In: Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April, p. 145-157.
Nonino F., Panizzolo R. (2005). Redesigning a Physical Distribution and Logistics System: The Febal Cucine Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 12th International EurOMA Conference on “Operations and Global Competitiveness”, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-22, vol. 2, p. 134-140
Panizzolo R., Fant D. (2005). Developing Customer Orientation Strategy In Manufacturing Firms Through Quality Function Deployment: A Case Study From The Heating Industry. In: Proceedings of the 12th International EurOMA Conference on “Operations and Global Competitiveness”, Budapest, Hungary, June 19-22, vol. 2, p. 256-260.
Caenazzo G., Panizzolo R. (2004). Extended Collaborative Selling Chain: Key Performance Indicators. State of the Art Report. In: Conference Proceedings on “Supply Chain Management in Cooperative Networks”, Politecnico di Valencia, Spagna, Luglio, vol. 1, p. 89-96.
Panizzolo R., Sarto A. (2004). L’impatto della certificazione ISO 9000 sulle prestazioni economico-finanziarie dell’impresa: una ricerca empirica su un campione di aziende venete. In: Atti della XV Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG su “Valori, risorse e competenze nelle organizzazioni”, Napoli, 14-15 ottobre, vol. 1, p. 23-37.
Panizzolo R. (2003). Design and management of extended collaborative selling chain (ECOSELL). State of the Art Report. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on “New trends in Supply Chain Management”, Valencia, Spagna, 15 ottobre.
Panizzolo R. (2003). Strategie di servizio nelle aziende manifatturiere. In: Atti della XIV Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG su “Imprenditorialità e competenze manageriali”, Bergamo, 30-31 ottobre.
Panizzolo R. (2002). Applicazioni di Demand Planning: analisi di un caso aziendale. In: Atti del Convegno su “Innovazioni nel Manufacturing”, Milano, giugno 2002
Panizzolo R. (2001). Forme di collaborazione tra medio-piccole imprese industriali e distribuzione moderna: primi risultati di una ricerca empirica. In: Atti della XII Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG su “Percorsi innovativi e sviluppo dell´impresa, Parma, 12-13 Novembre.
Biazzo S., Panizzolo R. (1998). Alcune riflessioni sull'organizzazione del lavoro nell'era della 'produzione flessibile' e del 'coinvolgimento'. In: Atti del Workshop AiIG, Padova, 5 giugno.
Panizzolo R. (1997). Concurrent Engineering Practices in Small Firms: an Empirically-Based Study. In: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on “Innovation, SMEs and Local Development”, Cremona, Italy, 7th June.
Panizzolo R. (1996). Factors which affect Master Production Scheduling in Uncertain Environments. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on “Advances in Production Management Systems”, Braunschweig, Germany, 26 Aprile
Panizzolo R. (1995). The Impact of Inventory Record Inaccuracy on Material Requirements Planning: A Research Model. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on “Systems Design and Management”, Stockholm, Sweden, Aprile 18-19
Panizzolo R. (1995). Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT): una ricerca empirica sugli aspetti critici del processo di adozione, implementazione e valutazione. In: Atti del Workshop AiIG, Torino, 23 giugno.
Panizzolo R. (1995). An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Inventory Record Innacuracy on Material Requirements Planning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on “Inventory Management”, Lisboa, Portugal, 28 Luglio.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1994). Un modello interpretativo del rapporto di sub-fornitura nel settore dell'abbigliamento. In: Atti del Workshop on “Advanced Topics on Production Systems Design and Management”, Varenna (CO), June 1-4.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1994). New Product Development Process: the Case of the Motorcycle Industry. In: Proceedings of the The Second International Product Development Management Conference on “New Approaches to Development and Engineering”, Gothenburg, Sweden, maggio 30-31.
Panizzolo R. (1994). Adoption of Logistics Information System: Lessons from the Field. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (Wits'94), 15-18 December Vancouver, Canada.
Panizzolo R. (1994). A Simulation Evaluation of Cellular Manufacturing Implementation. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on “Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems”, Linkoping, Sweden, Ottobre 20-21.
Panizzolo R., Muffato M. (1994). The acquisition and organization of technical Knowledge in research and new product development. In: Tarek M. K., Bulent A.B.. Management of technology IV: The Creation of Wealth, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Management of Technology, February 27 - March 4, 1994 Miami, Florida, USA.
Panizzolo R. (1994). Electronic Data Interchange Systems: a Research Model for Adoption and Implementation. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Management, Timisoara, Romania, 26-27 November.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R. (1993). Repetitive Manufacturing Management Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the 30th International MATADOR Conference, 31st March-1st April, p. 245-260.
De Toni A., Panizzolo R., Vinelli A. (1993). The Innovative Role of Human Resources in Service Oriented Manufacturing Firms. In: Johnston R., Slack N. D. C.. Service Operations. The Design and Delivery of Effective Service Operations. p. 357-368, Amsterdam: Elsevier, Proceesings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Operations Management Association UK, Warwick Business School, UK, 25-26 May.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1993). Customer Satisfaction: Linking Product and Service Quality to Organizational Processes' Effectiveness. In: Proceedings of the 36th ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, October 31-November 3.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1993). Service Quality Design using Quality Function Deployment: Adoption and Implementation Requirements. In: Johnston R., Slack N. D. C.. Service Operations. The Design and Delivery of Effective Service Operations. p. 288-297, Amsterdam: Elsevier, Proceesings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Operations Management Association UK, Warwick Business School, UK, 25-26 May.
Panizzolo R. (1993). The Redesign of Production Systems using a Cellular Manufacturing Approach: an Empirically Based Study. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Production Management Conference, London, UK, 5-6 Aprile, p. 451-463.
Panizzolo R. (1993). Integrated Information Systems for Effective Logistics Management. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logistics, Nottingham, UK, 6-7 Luglio.
Da Villa F., Panizzolo R. (1992). La gestione del rapporto cliente-fornitore nelle aziende del settore abbigliamento: schema della ricerca e primi risultati. In: Atti del Workshop AiIG, Bressanone, Settembre, p. 69-83.
Muffatto M., Panizzolo R. (1992). The New Product Development Process: a model for analysis and implementation. In: Proceedings of the International Product Development Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 18-19 maggio, p. 235-245.
Altro (working paper e lavori depositati)
Panizzolo R. (2001). Introduzione al marketing dei beni industriali. Udine: Università degli Studi di Udine, DIEGM WP 46/2001.
Panizzolo R., MARITAN D (2000). Introduzione al QFD - Quality Function Deployment. Teoria e applicazioni. UDINE: Università degli Studi di Udine, DIEGM WP 13/2000.
Panizzolo R. (1992). Innovazioni gestionali nel manufacturing - Logiche e tecniche di gestione dei sistemi manifatturieri a flusso, Tesi del Dottorato di Ricerca, Università degli studi di Padova.
Panizzolo R., CROCCOLO F., DA VILLA F., LANDI P, MANZONI F (1992). Gestione del territorio, tecnologia ad enti locali, WP 17/1992, Università degli studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Innovazione Meccanica e Gestionale.