Paper Submission Proceedings
Authors are kindly asked to submit original full papers with recommended length of 6 or 8 pages in Springer format. All accepted and presented papers will be published in a Scopus indexed book of the Springer Series Mechanisms and Machine Science, with the title: Advances in Italian Mechanism Science - Proceedings of the First Conference of IFToMM ITALY.
Best Paper awards will be given in categories of Research, Application, and Student Work.
A selection of presented papers will be invited with extended version for a special issue in the International Journal of Mechanics and Control affiliated to IFToMM Italy
Instructions for authors
- Submissions must follow the Springer Manuscript Guilines
- Templates are provided for Microsoft Word and Latex
- A layout example is provided for Microsoft Word
- The submission website is EasyChair
Final submission process:
The authors of accepted papers should email to the Conference Secretary a zip file, named according to the paper number (e.g.:, containing:
- the pdf file of the final version of the paper (max 8 pages)
- the source files in either word (.doc or .docx) or latex (.tex .bib and .eps) format
- the signed Consent to Publish
P.S.: Final submission deadline: July 15, 2016
Registration fees:
- Full registration: 250€/300€ (early/late)
- IFToMM members: 200€/300€ (early/late)
- Student: 100€/150€ (early/late)
- Extra paper: +100€
- Accompanying person: 150€
P.S.: Early registration deadline: July 15, 2016;
Late registration deadline (for presenter): July 29, 2016
Registration includes:
- The book of the proceedings
- Coffee breaks
- Lunches
- Conference Banquet (
except for student fee)
Registration process:
- Payment should be made by bank transfer
- Reason for payment (mandatory) must be indicated exactly as:
IFIT 2016 - [Full/Iftomm/Student] fee - [surname] [name] - paper [number/s]
(e.g.: IFIT 2016 - Iftomm fee - Rossi Cesare - paper 20) - a copy of the bank transfer receipt should be sent to the Conference Secretary
Bank transfer details:
Account holder (mandatory): Giuseppe Carbone
Bank name: Chebanca SPA
IBAN: IT33A0305801604100571380192
The payment is free from VAT charge in accordance with the italian law art.10 DPR 633/72
For any question please contact the Conference Secretary