
Some thoughts on the previous edition of the International Summer School on Fatigue and Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials:

"Participating in both the short course and the summer school related to fatigue and damage of composite materials in the beautiful city of Vicenza was a great experience. I had the opportunity to attend lectures from the experts on the field, meet international students from renowned universities and enjoy a great organization. Being in the beginning of my PhD at that time, it helped me a lot to define my research targets."
Kalliopi-Artemi Kalteremidou , researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel

“My experience in the summer school in 2015 can be summarized in three parts. First, both the content and the lecturers were of high quality, which covered very interesting topics related to fatigue and damage mechanics in composite materials, not only from a theoretical perspective but also from their potential applications in the industry. Second, the organization of the course was very good and the organizers besides being recognized researchers in this field are also kind people willing to clarify all the doubts that are had. And third, Vicenza, the city where the event takes place, is very beautiful, full of history and with excellent food. For all this, this course is totally recommended. (It is worth saying that after taking this summer school I decided to go back to Vicenza and work together with the organizers for a few months as a visiting PhD student, which was a great experience)”
Oscar Gerardo Castro Ardila , Postdoc at the Department of Wind Energy. - Technical University of Denmark

"This Summer School was very important for my formation as a researcher, and for the development of my phD work. We had the opportunity to have a close contact with highly qualified instructors, as well as learning about important topics such as Damage Modelling, Health Structure Monitoring and Fatigue, and the importance of having physical meaning with regards to modelling of materials-related phenomena. As an extra, we had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Vicenza".
Dr.Ing. Vinicius Carrillo Beber,  Associate Researcher Fraunhofer IFAM | Universitaet Bremen - Fachbereich 4

"In the summer of 2015 I followed the Short Course on Expermental Techniques in Vicenza. It gave me an in-depth overview of all of the relevant experimental methodologies related to continuous-fibre composites and allowed for more than enough contact with the researchers, technicians and other attendants to pose questions and learn the finesses. All that in the beautiful setting of summertime Vicenza. In my opinion, this course is a must-follow for anyone intending to perform tests on composites. For a maximum effect, though, I would advise to perform a substantial amount of (preliminary) tests beforehand, so that you are aware where the difficulties lie and benefit from a maximum learning effect. I would say this course is ideal for PhD students in the first half of their PhD research, but equally useful for anyone in industry aspiring to brush-up their knowledge on composite testing."
Siebe Spronk, PhD, Dynamic characterisation of composite materials, Belgium

"This summer school provides key entry level courses from leading experts in the field of damage and fatigue modelling and testing of composite materials. The courses are to the point and the usage of illustrative examples helps to understand the theories and design problems. Next to the stimulating intellectual setting the city of Vicenza provides proper experience of a historic Italian city with a vibrant (student) nightlife. I can certainly recommend this summer course!" 
Ruben Sevenois, PhD on Fatigue damage modelling for composite structures, Ghent University

Published on  November 19th, 2018       |       Privacy