
The Organizing Committee of PCM2021 and TPTPR2021 Conferences has been continuously monitoring the sanitary evolvement due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the related restrictions in Italy and around the world. Unfortunately, measures against the pandemia did not develop sufficiently fast to allow a safe and fruitful development of the conference in presence in Vicenza. Accordingly, we decided to run the conference on September 1-3 2021 as an online-only event. We will take advantage of digital environments in order to get the virtual experience as close as possible to a conference in presence. There will be live sessions with Q&A, on demand video content, breakout rooms, virtual coffee breaks etc.




Fully online streaming

Fee Early Bird before
1st July 2021
Standard rate after 1st July, 2021 After 31st August, 2021
Regular Participants €150 €200 €300
Speakers, IIR members €100 €150 €250
Students €50 €100 €150



Published on  May 28th, 2021       |       Privacy