Title: "Some important specificities of the boiling behavior of water used as (the most natural) refrigerant"

Prof. J. Bonjour, Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, INSA Lyon

BIO: Jocelyn Bonjour has been a Professor of Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics at the Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering at INSA Lyon, France, since 2005. He received his PhD at INSA Lyon in 1996. He was formerly Professor at the French Institute of Refrigeration (IFFI), Paris, France. His research subjects are linked to liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer. This covers the fundamentals of boiling (e.g. bubble dynamics during boiling) and the application of phase-change to heat exchangers in refrigeration systems or heat pipes for electronic thermal management. He is also involved in energy efficiency of refrigeration or air-conditioning systems (cold rooms, refrigerated trucks…). He has published ca. 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals and as many communications in conference proceedings. He is a regional editor of Elsevier's International Journal of Refrigeration (IJR) and the Chairman of the Committee on the Joint International Heat Pipe Conferences and Symposia (IHPC&S). Beyond his research activities, he was the Director of the Center for Energy and Thermal Sciences of Lyon (CETHIL), a joint research institute of INSA Lyon, CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and University Lyon 1 from 2013 to 2018 and has been the director of the Doctoral School of Université de Lyon devoted to Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Civil Engineering and Acoustics since 2018.


Title: "State of art of PCM for air conditioning and refrigeration"

Prof. L. Cabeza, University of Lleida, Spain

BIO: Chemical engineer from the Institut Químic de Sarrià in 1992, industrial engineer from University Ramon Llull in 1993, master in industrial business management in 1995 and doctor industrial engineer in 1996 from the same university. Post-doctoral researcher at the Eastern Regional Research Center (ARS, USDA) in Philadelphia, USA between 1996 and 1998. Since 1999 at the University of Lleida, where she created the research group GREA Innovació Concurrent, recognized as a SGR group in 2004 (today GREiA 2017SGR1537), TECNIO group in 2007 and with international prestige in the field of thermal energy storage. She has published more than 350 indexed articles and participated in more than 250 conferences. She has co-edited 5 research books and is the author of one, in addition to publishing 10 book chapters. All her research career led her to become a Spanish representative in the Horizon 2020 Energy Challenge Committee 3, in the ECES Implementing Agreement of the International Energy Agency and she has participated in the drafting of 2 IPCC reports, participating in the currently, in the third. In the teaching field, throughout all these years, at the University of Lleida, she has taught in the degrees of Industrial Technical Engineering, mechanical specialty, Technical Architecture, Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Degree in Electronic Engineering, Master in Applied Sciences for Engineering, Master in Industrial Engineering and Master in Computer Engineering from the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida since 1999. She has participated in several teaching innovation projects and published teaching articles.


Title: "Thermodynamic property measurements for next-generation refrigerants "

Prof. Y. Higashi, Research Center for Next Generation Refrigerant Properties (NEXT-RP), International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I 2 CNER), Kyushu University, Japan

BIO: Prof. Y. Higashi is Professor at Research Center for Next Generation Refrigerant Properties (NEXT-RP), International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER) at Kyushu University, Japan. His main research activities are relative to the thermodynamic property measurements of refrigerants and their blends: critical point (Critical temperature, pressure, and density), PVT properties, vapor pressures and saturated densities, vapor-liquid equilibrium, and surface tension. He is menmber of Commission B1 of IIR and of International Advisory Board of International Journal of Refrigeration (IJR), of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE) and of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). He is President of the Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties (JSTP). Sadi Carnot Award from IIR (2011) and of the Asian Academic Award (2013) from the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE).


Title: "Some issues in heat transfer needed to be clarified for a better design of heat exchangers in refrigeration (a/c and heat pump) systems"

Prof. P. Hrnjak, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA

BIO: Dr. Hrnjak is Stoecker Faculty Fellow, Distinguished Res. Professor and Director of the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center (ACRC) at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He is also a founder and president of 50 engineers strong Creative Thermal Solutions (CTS), a vibrant research company that bridges ACRC activities (pre-competitive research in the function of education) and industry. He is a fellow of SAE, ASME, ASHRAE, was on the board of Directors of IIAR, and is editor or member of the boards of several professional, scientific journals. He is the recipient of the IIR Gustav Lorentzen Medal (ICR Prague 2011), L&B Holladay ASHRAE Distinguished Fellow Award for 2019, an annual award given to an ASHRAE Fellow for continuous preeminence in engineering or research work, J&E Hall (2012) and Rittinger (2008) medals, among other honors.  He is an academician of AESS (AINS), in his native Serbia. Pega joined the University of Illinois in 1993.  His research focus is on energy conversion systems, microchannel heat exchanges, natural and synthetic refrigerants with applications: space, air, automotive, stationary, unitary, commercial, and industrial.  Pega got a formal education from the University of Belgrade, where he started an academic career from RA to Assist. Professor.  He also worked at the Technical University of Denmark, University of Missouri Rolla, etc. He published over 200 archival journal articles, 400 conference papers (h=44, more than 7500 citations), 100 reports, gave over 100 invited lectures, wrote several chapters in books, graduated over 100 Ph.D. and MS students.


Title: "Heating and Cooling Decarbonisation using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) based Technologies"

Prof. Y. Ding, University of Birmingham, UK

BIO: Prof. Yulong Ding holds the founding Chamberlain chair of Chemical Engineering and is founding director of Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage. His current research focuses on thermal and liquid air energy storage. He has published over 450 papers with ~250 in peer reviewed journals (H-Index of ~ 62) and filed 60+ patents. Part of his research on composite phase change materials has been commercialized and applied to 25+ engineering projects (~300MW/1.5GWh for heat storage; 50+ passively cooled containers for cold chain transportation). He invented liquid air energy storage technology and led the initial stage of technology development, which has been commercialized by Highview Power. Professor Ding is a receiver of the 2019 IChemE Global Enegry Award and Outstanding Achievements Award due to his work on composite phase change materials; the Distinguished Energy Storage Individual Award (International Energy Storage and Expo, 2018, Beijing); Cryogenic Energy Storage Research Chair Award (Royal Academy of Engineering, 2014); Energy & Environment Award and Technology and Innovation Grand Prix Award (‘The Engineer’ Magazine, 2011).

Published on  August 26th, 2021       |       Privacy